December 30, 2017

A group of employees from the Daily American Republic broke a tradition this year and decided to spread some Christmas cheer outside the newspaper office. Instead of buying Christmas presents for one another within departments, the employees pulled their money together and made sure a group of elderly people would have a very merry Christmas...

A group of employees from the Daily American Republic broke a tradition this year and decided to spread some Christmas cheer outside the newspaper office.

Instead of buying Christmas presents for one another within departments, the employees pulled their money together and made sure a group of elderly people would have a very merry Christmas.

The employees were able to purchase 65 blankets and distribute the gifts, with help from Santa Claus, on Friday during a local nursing facilities Christmas party.

"You brighten their day by handing them a gift," DAR employee Tammy Moore said.

Resident Virgie Montgomery smiled as she tore open paper to find a purple blanket and exclaimed, "it's so soft!"

"I was just thinking I would love to have a blanket," Montgomery said. "I love it."

One gentleman was visited by the DAR employees in his room while getting ready for the Christmas party and was eager to follow the group to the celebration with his new blanket.

"Another blanket," resident Emma Fox said while DAR employee Treva Pfaff helped open her gift. Fox donned a Christmas themed blanket across her lap while at the party and now has a purple blanket to add to her collection.

The facility administrator said she was so happy to hear about the generous donation.

"We are blessed with some wonderful families here, while other residents don't have any family," the administrator said. "This is a true blessing each resident was able to receive a blanket."

The employees were inspired to give presents to residents at a local nursing facility after realizing there are programs within the community, such as Angel Tree, to assist children who masy not have anything for Christmas, but not as many programs for the elderly.

"When I handed a gift to one resident, she said 'now I will have something to open Christmas morning,' and I had to pull it together," Moore said.
