Filing for two seats on the Poplar Bluff City Council remains stagnant more than two weeks into the allotted time frame, as still no candidates have come forward.
Filing opened Dec. 12 for the Ward 2 spot currently held by Mayor Ed Degaris, and the Ward 4 position of Philip Crocker. Neither councilman plans to seek re-election. Filing will remain open until Jan. 16 for the April 3 election. Term length for both seats is three years.
Candidates must be 21 years old, a citizen of the United States and have lived in the ward they are seeking election to for one year.
Candidates cannot be in arrears on any tax lien, forfeiture or defalcation in office. Filing can be done from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at Poplar Bluff City Hall, and from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Jan. 16.
The position of mayor is chosen by a vote of city council members following the election.
School board positions will also appear on April's ballot. Two seats are open at Three Rivers College, Poplar Bluff R-1, Twin Rivers, and Neelyville.
Incumbents on the TRC Board of Trustees, Randy Grassham and Amber Richardson, filed to seek re-election and thus far, face no challengers for the six-year terms.
Richardson represents Sub-District 1, which includes Butler County and part of Stoddard County. Grassham represents Sub-District 2, which includes Carter County and parts of Butler and Wayne counties.
Interested parties may file with Janine Heath in the president's office, located in TRC's Westover Building on the Poplar Bluff campus when classes resume on Jan. 2. Hours are from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., except on Jan. 15 when the college is closed.
Poplar Bluff R-1 Board of Education Vice President Ken Davis and member Heather Tuggle both filed for re-election on opening day and remain uncontested.
Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education President Lee Lewis and member Donna-Sue Ashcraft Fincher have both filed for re-election and remain uncontested.
No candidates have filed for the Neelyville school board seats currently held by president John French and member Gene Russom. Neelyville Superintendent Brad Hagood said offices have been closed since Dec. 15, but will reopen when classes resume on Jan. 3.
To run for school board, candidates must be a resident of the school district. Filing can be done at each district's administrative office during school hours. Term lengths are three years.
In the Qulin, Mo., city election incumbents Mayor Glen Sedrick, Ward 1 councilman Cheryl Johnson and Ward 2 councilman Mary Martin have each filed for re-election and currently face no challengers.
In the Neelyville, Mo., city election, Linda Harris has filed to run for the Ward 1 alderman seat.
To file for the Qulin or Neelyville city elections, contact the respective city hall.