I read a thought provoking story in a church paper a preacher friend sent me a few years ago that went something like this-"It had been a happy Christmas for a family of five. Even the three-year-old enjoyed playing with the nativity scene, handling and re-arranging it. But, in a few days while the children slept, mother put it away for another year. Five-year-old Carol awoke and missed it and went to her mother and asked, "Mother where did Baby Jesus go?" Of course, we must take down the decorated tree and put away the tinsel and the nativity scene, but I hope none of us put off the spirit of Christ and take up some petty peeves such as envy, jealousy, bitterness and intolerance and uncharitable thoughts of others that we likely misunderstand. Jesus is not to be treated as a nativity scene figure we bring out at Christmas time then pack away for another year. There are many that know Jesus as a sweet, innocent little baby that is easy to love--someone who gave his all to save them from the fire of hell but do not seem to realize that same Jesus came also to become the Lord of their life. Early in his ministry he healed Peter's mother-in-law of a fever, and the whole city gathered at her door to be healed. The next morning Jesus arose early and went out alone to pray. When Simon and others with him went out to find him, they said unto him, "All men seek for thee." Mark 1:25, 37.
This is still true today, but most of them are seeking him for selfish purposes as in that day. Many today would like for him to come and give peace to our troubled, warring world or to their own troubled life. But most of them would not be willing to meet the conditions that would bring about that peace-self surrender and conformity to the will of God for their lives.
The people in Jesus' day were anxiously waiting for their Messiah to come, but, when he did, he did not suit them.
He asked them to change their ideas of religion. He told them to love their enemies and to do good to those that despitefully used them.
Our celebration of our Savior's birth is over. Did it inspire us to greater love and devotion to him and toward each other? I hope so.
May the love of God that gave us Christmas overflow the hearts and lives of those who have lost loved ones at Christmas time.