The Oak Grove Homemakers Club met Wednesday, Dec. 13, for a Christmas Luncheon and meeting at the home of Tammie Bogie. Co-hostess was Eyvette Ward. The home displayed exquisite Christmas décor of red, white, glittered decorations. Dorothy Robbins gave the invocation for the meal.
Robbins presided at the business meeting. Roll call was answered by a Christmas memory by the club members. Seven members were present with one visitor, Ward. The devotional was given by Robbins by the reading the Biblical account of the Christmas story in Luke Chapter 2. She also read an article from the book, "I will Sing with Joy."
Mary Thurman read the secretary's report and Tammy Bogie read the treasurer's report, both were approved. Members paid 2018 dues of $5 and donated$10 each to the Meal on Wheels organization.
New officers were elected for 2018 and are as follows: President. Helen Birdsong; Vice President, Dorothy Robbins; Secretary, Tammy Bogie; Treasure, Betty Ketcherside.
Christmas cards were exchanged among members and cards were signed for members who were not present. Robbins handed out 2018 Club books and gifts for each member present. Donna Pirc won the door prize and Tammy opened her hostess gifts. The meeting was closed with the recitation of the Club Collect.