Absenteeism among teachers cost the Poplar Bluff R-1 School District $340,822 last year, an amount nearly $80,000 more than in 2014. The school district pays substitute teachers $70 per day, which means there were more than 4,850 filled absentee requests among a teaching staff of 400.
This year, the district employs 392 teachers. On Nov. 17, the day before a 10 day Thanksgiving break, 48 teachers, or 12 percent of the total teaching staff, were absent using either personal or sick days. R-1 was able to fill 90 percent of the absences with substitutes.
"It's a problem," said Superintendent Scott Dill. "We're working with our teachers organizations to be equitable and fair, but it comes down to learning and the quality of learning the community expects from us. We absolutely have to be accountable as good stewards of tax dollars."
Comparing Poplar Bluff's 12 percent to other Butler County schools on the day before their Thanksgiving breaks, Neelyville and Twin Rivers saw much smaller percentages of call-ins. Neelyville Superintendent Brad Hagood said his district employs 65 teachers. The day before Thanksgiving break began, 5 percent were absent. Twin Rivers Superintendent Jeremy Siebert said similarly, 6 percent of his 83 teachers were absent. Both schools had 100 percent fill rates for the open positions.
Asst. Superintendent of Personnel Dr. Amy Jackson said November had 16 school days and the fill rate for teacher absences was 93 percent. When there are not enough subs to fill each position, like on Nov. 17, remaining teachers pick up the slack. Students are divided and sent to other classrooms within their grade level. Jackson said from September through November, Poplar Bluff's average fill-rate was 90 percent or higher.
"No sub can replace an outstanding teacher," Jackson said. "We're focusing on how to decrease teacher absenteeism by looking at our guidelines."
Poplar Bluff's current attendance policy grants teachers eight sick and two personal days each school year. On Nov. 17, approximately 83.5 percent of the absences were reported as personal.
According to Poplar Bluff's current budget report, last year's sub expenditures were down from 2015-16, when the cost reached nearly $365,000. For comparison, in 2014-15, the district spent $305,570 to pay for teacher absenteeism and in 2013-14, the cost was $262,509.
Jackson said she suspects an increase in teacher absences is partially the result of an automated system Poplar Bluff began using about two years ago, which allows teachers to post their day-off requests in a forum accessible to certified substitutes. The sub then logs-in and selects the day or days he or she wants to work.
As long as the day posted by the teacher is not a prohibited personal leave day as outlined by the district's handbook, directly speaking to an administrator to complete the arrangement is unnecessary. Poplar Bluff's certified substitute teacher roster consists of approximately 135 people.
Jackson went on to explain that all subs at Poplar Bluff R-1 are trained in classroom management. She said it is the responsibility of the teachers to provide a detailed sub plan so student learning is not compromised while they're out.