(Figures approximate)
General Fund
Deficit: $211,900
With no raises
Revenue: $20,037,300 million
Expenses: $20,249,800 million
This includes $8 million in revenues and expenses related to the construction of Shelby Road phase II.
Without construction costs:
Revenue: $12,037,300 million
Expenses: $12,249,800 million
Total salary
and benefits
Top 5 by department:
Police: $4,225,500
Fire: $2,177,800
Street: $1,124,900
Motor pool: $395,400
Finance: $290,200
Total budget
By department:
Police: $4,887,300
Fire: $2,458,200
Street: $1,404,000
Motor pool: $413,800
Planning: $299,100
Cemetery: $292,000
City court: $249,100
City clerk: $178,200
City manager: $172,200
Animal control:
Code enforcement:
City attorney: $98,700
Non department:
*Includes $8 million for Shelby phase II