October 17, 2017

To the Editor: I read about the untimely passing of Dale Gaebler and I would share a story in which he became a part of Poplar Bluff football history. In the course of 50 plus years of football officiating, I've seen many humorous things happen on the field, but three or four stand out...

To the Editor:

I read about the untimely passing of Dale Gaebler and I would share a story in which he became a part of Poplar Bluff football history. In the course of 50 plus years of football officiating, I've seen many humorous things happen on the field, but three or four stand out.

On a Friday night several years ago, my crew was working at Poplar Bluff. At some point in the first half of the game, Poplar Bluff had given up a score -- I can't remember who the opponent was -- and was about to receive the kickoff. Shadrack Davis received the kick and almost immediately became a part of Poplar Bluff Mules football lore. As he headed up field, he was met with a very aggressive hit. On the field, the tackle just did not sound right. As I covered the play, I could see something on the field beside Shadrack. There were "parts of something" on the field. I could see that Shad was not injured, but was still down. I asked him what happened and he very politely explained he had taped a transistor radio to his shoulder pads and the tackler had put his hat directly on the radio, and it blew apart. I immediately asked him why he had done that. He said, "Well sir, I have never heard my name on the radio, and I wanted to hear Mr. Carr say my name one time." I started laughing and about that time Coach Lohr came onto the field to see if Shad was injured. I met him halfway to the bench and told him what had happened. He just rolled his eyes, as only Jim could do and said "You have got to be kidding!" He turned and walked back to the bench, thought for a second, then turned back and said, "Are you going to penalize us?" I replied that I didn't not know what penalty to call unless it would be for being out of uniform. I did not administer a penalty.

I went back to the "crash" to set the chains. Dale Gaebler and Zeke Nuckles asked me what had happened, and as I told them, they started laughing uncontrollably. Poplar Bluff always had the best chain crew in Southeast Missouri. They always realized that they were a part of the officiating crew and not cheerleaders. After the incident on the field, they were not a good chain crew the rest of the night. Every time I looked at the sideline, Dale and Zeke were "still cracking up!" We would try to get the chains set as quickly as we could, but they were just not into their job. The officials and the chain crew dress near each other at the old high school gym. As we were walking off the field together, I told them if they didn't do better job the second half I was going to fire them. That "really" made a big impression on them. They did finish the game.

If there is football in Heaven -- and I hope there is -- I'm sure these men have found a game every Friday night. Jim will be on the sideline, Bus will be in the booth, Sam will be trying to find a sponsor for the football banquet, and Dale and Zeke will be holding sticks.

Poplar Bluff GIANTS, you have finished the race. Rest in peace MEN.

Terry Turlington

Dexter, Mo.
