Many new moms are faced with the decision of whether or not to continue breastfeeding their child once the time comes to return to work. Several factors come into play with this decision such as time and private space.
The Twin Rivers R-X School District, in conjunction with the Butler County Health Department, have worked to make the decision to continue breastfeeding easier on new moms by providing private lactation rooms for pumping at each campus and recognizing the district as a Missouri Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite.
"The district does a great job listening to our needs and is open to our ideas," Twin Rivers Social Worker Amber Windhorst said.
The Missouri Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite Program is a statewide initiative to increase the number of businesses that provide their employees with breastfeeding support services.
Before leaving on maternity leave, talk began between expectant mothers within the district about where they would pump once returning to work.
After talking with the administration, rooms with locks and plug-ins were found at each campus where breastfeeding moms could go to pump.
Teachers within the district then began gathering items that could be used at each building's location, such as curtains, tables and chairs, and checking into items that needed to be purchased, such as coolers or small refrigerators for milk storage.
Since the lactation rooms were established in January, five moms have been able to prolong their decision to breastfeed.
Butler County Health Department Health Educator Jennifer Sheridan said requirements for a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite include a private space, locks on the door, a flat surface for the pump and sanitizer or cleaner.
"Most of the time places have the space available," Sheridan said. "It's just a matter of moving around some items to make it accessible."
She added even if an employer does not have the space available, the "bare necessities" work so women are not pumping in a bathroom stall.
Windhorst's previous employer had a policy in place along with a private room to allow her to continue breastfeeding after she had her first child in 2014.
After becoming pregnant with her second child during her second year with the school district, Windhorst was worried about where she could pump since she traveled to each campus and did not have a private office at each building.
"Each building principle, Misti Lovelace, Leean Mann and Seth McBroom, along with (superintendent) Jeremy Siebert, helped me find a private location that worked," Windhorst said. "Those individuals along with the other staff helped arrange where it was possible for me to pump with my schedule. This would not all be possible without the great staff at each campus. They were always supportive and encouraging when I needed it."
Windhorst said for her, the private rooms prolonged how long she breastfed her daughter.
Brittany Kelley helped Windhorst arrange the lactation room at the high school to look "very nice" for the two new mothers.
"This is a viable benefit in place if needed and knowing it's in place is more encouraging," she said. "It's nice to be able to work for somewhere that supports a mother's decision to breastfeed."
Twin Rivers staff member Cortney Barnett also took advantage of the privacy of the lactation room to prolong her decision to breastfeed.
"It was nice to have a place that I could keep my things and know that I didn't have to make shift something," Barnett said. "It helped with maximizing the time which made it so worth it!"
Barnett added having a space available and ready for breastfeeding helped with easing the stress of finding a way to continue breastfeeding once returning to work.
"I knew I could get in there (the room) and everything would be ready and I wouldn't be disturbed during this time," she said.
High School Counselor Christina Miller said new moms have pumped at work before the addition of the private rooms, but there was no central location to provide comfort.
Miller, a former breastfeeding mother, said the private rooms are a wonderful asset that provide privacy and a place to sit without disruptions.
While breastfeeding, Miller said she was fortunate to have her own office that could be used as her private setting before the rooms were ready, but still experienced disruptions such as people knocking on the door.
"A specific location provides peace of mind," Miller said.
In addition to having the private rooms, Miller said teachers across the district have been great with scheduling and helping cover a new mom's class for a few minutes.
Not only are the lactation rooms an asset during the school day, staff members also have the space available to pump or breastfeed while working late during parent teacher conferences, staff meetings or during ballgames.
Being recognized as a Missouri Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite, Sheridan said, means another funding opportunity is available for the district to expand and improve the atmosphere of the rooms.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, who created the program in 2013, will be awarding grants up to $500 to recognized worksites who provide an application and submit a list of items planned to be purchased with the grant money, and are then reimbursed if approved.
Notice of awards will be made within 30 days of the application date on a first come, first serve basis.
As an employer, Sheridan said, Twin Rivers is showing care towards employees' health and well being as well as their wants and needs.
She added studies have been conducted proving breastfed children are sick less often, as well as the parents, resulting in employees missing less work.
At this time, Sheridan said there are 24 recognized Breastfeeding Friendly Worksites in Butler County.
Businesses interested in becoming recognized as a Breastfeeding Friendly Worksite may contact Sheridan at 573-785-8478 for more information.
"I can come and look at the facility to see if space is available for a lactation room," Sheridan said.