September 28, 2017

Moark Regional Railroad Museum will be open extra hours this weekend to accommodate the expected large number of visitors to Downtown Poplar Bluff events. Located in the historic 1928 Frisco Railroad Depot, the museum will be open 5-8 p.m. Friday while the Cruise In and Sock Hop are taking place in the adjoining Black River Coliseum parking lot...

Moark Regional Railroad Museum will be open extra hours this weekend to accommodate the expected large number of visitors to Downtown Poplar Bluff events.

Located in the historic 1928 Frisco Railroad Depot, the museum will be open 5-8 p.m. Friday while the Cruise In and Sock Hop are taking place in the adjoining Black River Coliseum parking lot.

Museum volunteer A. J. White will display his steam-powered calliope and car in front of the Frisco Depot from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday during the Iron Horse Festival.

White and his friend, Dicky Wisdom, built the calliope between February and June. It was exhibited Saturday at the Briggs and Stratton Car Show.

"I had entered the calliope in the Fourth of July parade, but a rear axle snapped," White said.

He uses a CD player to provide calliope music.

"The calliope has steam-operated whistles with pipes on top," White said.

This weekend is a great opportunity for everyone to learn about 145 years of railroad history in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas.

In its 26th year, the museum is filled with exhibits about seven railroads - Iron Mountain, Missouri Pacific, Union Pacific, Frisco, Butler County, Cotton Belt and Amtrak.

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Visitors will learn about three train stations in Poplar Bluff, the number of years train travel preceded the first car in Poplar Bluff and who Barron Road was named after.

Children and adults may view an overhead train in the museum, a 30-foot model train layout, a steam engine bell and a huge wooden wheel used in the sand molding process to make iron wheels for steam engines.

Outside, visitors may walk through a Missouri Pacific caboose and walk around a long Union Pacific baggage/mail car and a Frisco caboose.

The Train Shop in the museum will be open for anyone interested in purchasing trains, track and other items needed for a model railroad layout.

Museum memberships may be purchased for $12 per individual or $20 per family. Members receive a 10 percent discount in the Train Shop.

Help with planning Amtrak train trips will be available.

There is no admission fee, but donations are needed to maintain the museum, which is operated by a small group of volunteers. Anyone interested in being a volunteer may come to the museum or call 686-2241.

Normal hours are 1-4 p.m. Saturdays except for major holiday weekends.

The museum is on the National Register of Historic Places and is located across Fifth Street from the Black River Coliseum.

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