September 10, 2017

Pill poppers I hope doctors who are prescribin' all the pain medicine for older people. I hope they explain to them the dangers of taking that medicine and driving. There's a lot of people in this area, especially Poplar Bluff, that are old and are taking pretty strong pain medication and they have no business driving. ...

Pill poppers

I hope doctors who are prescribin' all the pain medicine for older people. I hope they explain to them the dangers of taking that medicine and driving. There's a lot of people in this area, especially Poplar Bluff, that are old and are taking pretty strong pain medication and they have no business driving. I'm not sayin' that old people shouldn't drive; I'm just sayin' they're no better than anybody else who's takin' heavy pain medicine. And I'm not sayin' they don't need the pain medicine; they have aches and pains that I can't possibly know and the doctor probably prescribed it for them but do they realize what danger they put the rest of the driving public in? You got enough of them hoodlums out drivin' takin' all kinds of heroin and crack and meth and any other drugs they can think of illegally. We don't need a bunch uh pill poppers from AARP swervin' all over the road, fallin' asleep at the wheel, goin' into a ditch "I don't know what happened" excuses. Thank you.


Yes, I would like to uh speak out about the south side disrepair of yard and homes, renter homes - the person responsible should be held responsible for their renters to make sure they keep the yard mowed and free of debris, junk, trash. Your home should be upkept properly. It's not being done. It's an ongoing problem on the south side of Poplar Bluff on Warren St. and other streets over here. Thank you for your time. Bye

Willie's preceded Myrtle's Place

The other day in the paper you had an article about Myrtle's Cafe and someone wanted to know uh what was the name of the cafe that was there before Myrtle's was. I worked at the old State Bank on Main and Vine and I used to go there for lunch and it was Willie's Cafe and they had the best club and also pecan pie in town. Now that was in the 40s and 50s. And my father-in-law, I'm Dorothy Patterson, my father-in-law, Okie Patterson, ran the Broadway Service Station and was good friends of George Hill, who ran Willie's. And so it wasn't always Myrtle's. When I knew it years ago it was Willie's Cafe. So I just wanted to call in for whoever wrote that article but that was the name of the place before Myrtle's and years ago there was a Standard Station on the corner where Myrtle's is built out some and then Okie ran the Broadway Service Station across from the Rodgers. So just for the record I just thought I'd call in. Bye now.

What's next

Yes, uh, we have Mr. Atkins that, uh, made an asinine statement on rape that brought doomed insensitivity to Missourah. Now we have Miss Chappelle-Nadal, uh, with her remarks about assassinating the president. And we have the NAACP who put out a travel advisory on the unsafety of coming through Missourah. Now what? What's next?

Need more stores

Why in the world do we need more banks in this town!? There's a new bank going up on 67 near the Wappapella exit. We DO NOT need no 60,000 bank in Poplar Bluff! We need more things like Target and other stores and we need more grocery stores in different areas. Not need more banks, bars and car lots! Stupid town! It's ridiculous! People are wastin' money every day on things that are not needed in this town. Why can't we get a Food Giant or a um, different restaurant in this town besides bbq or Mexican. This is dumb. I hate Poplar Bluff!

Break for a brake

[MAIL] to all you farmers out there working day and night when are you guys going to stop paying this high price rent wanting to getbigger paying more rent than your nebior we need to go back to real crop rent give your self a break stop paying all these LLCS this big cash rent thay come in pay big prices for land that a farmer cant pay then thay want you to pay that big cash rent.

you farmers need to wake up and smell then roses before they fade away. for comidites that u guys sell are really down. equiptment so high & part--i here some cant pay payment on some tractors just pay interest.

get your heads together with your friends and neibors and give YOUR self a brake. not the other one that just sat around and laught at you poor old FARMERS.

