September 6, 2017

To the Editor, Cape Arrowhead, Inc. wants to thank all the volunteers that made our "Veterans Family Fishing Day" so much fun for the participants. Don Jones graciously providing his pond on T Highway for the veterans to enjoy a beautiful day. Special thanks also goes to Scott Preslar of the "The Camp" for providing picnic tables, so no one had to sit on the grass. We also want to thank Jeff Walker and Gary Scott for helping with the food preparation...

To the Editor,

Cape Arrowhead, Inc. wants to thank all the volunteers that made our "Veterans Family Fishing Day" so much fun for the participants. Don Jones graciously providing his pond on T Highway for the veterans to enjoy a beautiful day. Special thanks also goes to Scott Preslar of the "The Camp" for providing picnic tables, so no one had to sit on the grass. We also want to thank Jeff Walker and Gary Scott for helping with the food preparation.

Most of all, we want to give credit to our board member, Leroy Leggett, for all the work he did in organizing, marketing and gathering door prizes for the veterans. It was an awesome effort and greatly appreciated by all. We are looking forward to our next fishing day.

Janet K. Brown


Cape Arrowhead, Inc.
