August 6, 2017

This is just a note to let you know what the Use Tax would do for Butler County. It would generate approximately $350,000 a year that can be used in various areas such as the Sheriff's Department, Road and Bridge, salaries, grounds and maintenance just to name a few. Butler County faces the loss of sales tax due to out-of-state Internet sales which are growing every day. Butler County would be entitled to receive our share but only through the voters of this county...

This is just a note to let you know what the Use Tax would do for Butler County. It would generate approximately $350,000 a year that can be used in various areas such as the Sheriff's Department, Road and Bridge, salaries, grounds and maintenance just to name a few. Butler County faces the loss of sales tax due to out-of-state Internet sales which are growing every day. Butler County would be entitled to receive our share but only through the voters of this county.

The out-of-state Internet sales is approximately 10% -15% at this time and growing. The out-of-state Internet sales puts all our local businesses at a disadvantage and can put them out of business daily.

There are people that are saying this a new tax and it is not. The use tax was implemented by the state legislature in 1992. A blanket Use Tax was collected state wide and prorated to the cities and counties in Missouri. In 1996 a Missouri Supreme Court decision determined that the blanket Use Tax was unconstitutional due to the varying tax rates to the cities and counties and required each city and county to adopt it on through the voters. They also handed down the ballot language which in turn made people believe it is a new tax. Also the state continues to place things of that nature on the backs of cities and counties to deal with. As of now there are approximately 131 cities and villages and 60 counties that have passed this.

I want to thank every citizen of Butler County for all your input and help to make Butler County a safe and growing county.

Vince Lampe

Presiding Commissioner
