To the Editor,
It's time for Senator McCaskill to represent Missouri and stand with President Trump. Though she claims to be a moderate Democrat, her Washington tactics are the same as the far-left leaders of her party.
Senator McCaskill loves to say she's representing Missourians while she's in Washington. But instead of working with the newly elected president, she's doing everything she can to obstruct President Trump. Claire voted against almost all of Trump's cabinet nominees and has tried to block his agenda every step of the way. Her political tactics are obvious, and it's clear that she's choosing Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton over Missourians.
Senator McCaskill even went as far as to try to block Justice Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court. Time and time again, Senator McCaskill has chosen to be a Democrat over being a Missourian.
Eddy Justice
Poplar Bluff, Mo.