July 20, 2017

By MIKE JENSEN Publisher Sikeston Standard Democrat Back in November - though it seems a lifetime ago - the American people gave the Republican Party control of the United States Senate, House and White House. And there was a reason for this political sea change...




Standard Democrat

Back in November - though it seems a lifetime ago - the American people gave the Republican Party control of the United States Senate, House and White House.

And there was a reason for this political sea change.

After eight tumultuous years of the prior administration, America was as divided as perhaps any point in our history. This disunity threatened all sense of progress and compromise on some highly critical issues.

Yet despite promises of change, we remain more divided and those campaign promises have yet to materialize.

Both political parties today are in total disarray without a firm hand on the ship of state's rudder.

I am sickened and concerned with the left's drift toward socialism.

I am equally sickened and concerned by the internal chaos that is today's GOP.

The Republican Party is at a crossroads unlike any in their history.

Given the trust to move this country forward, the GOP must lead or step aside.

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No more excuses. No delays. No apologies.

The American voter wants action on health care reform, immigration control and terrorist eradication.

That was the promise.

I represent the guy the GOP can't afford to lose.

Neither a victim nor a member of some special interest group, I want only a return to self-reliance, personal responsibility, smaller government and more freedoms.

Millions of like-minded voters went to the polls for these very reasons.

And those millions are growing increasingly tired of the excuses spouted by the majority party.

This inaction will virtually assure the rise of the Democratic left, since that's all that remains of that once-proud party.

History will clearly illustrate how this progressive movement ends. Hint: Not well.

Without the need for Congressional approval, the President has made progress. We are seeing a reduction in Obama-era regulations and the judicial appointments will have a long-lasting positive impact.

But those were minor campaign promises. The big ticket items remain in limbo with absolutely no sign of cooperation from the Democrats.

The Democrats lack any leadership short of obstructionism. And the Republicans have a leader in the White House who lacks the respect of many within his own ranks.

It's time for the GOP to show leadership and tackle those changes that they promised. It's time to quit trying to convince Democrats on any issue because they are so deeply entrenched that compromise is impossible.

It's time.

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