July 19, 2017

Wednesday, July 12, Cane Creek Community Club held its monthly meeting at Twin Towers. Jennifer Rosener, RSVP director, presented a program about the work being done by community volunteers. Volunteers provide service to numerous groups and agencies, including free tax preparation service, Red Cross, Women Aware, Health Fair, and various fundraisers. In 2013, volunteers provided 29,000 hours of service...

Wednesday, July 12, Cane Creek Community Club held its monthly meeting at Twin Towers.

Jennifer Rosener, RSVP director, presented a program about the work being done by community volunteers. Volunteers provide service to numerous groups and agencies, including free tax preparation service, Red Cross, Women Aware, Health Fair, and various fundraisers. In 2013, volunteers provided 29,000 hours of service.

Roll call was "an act of kindness given or received." Members recalled helping neighbors, visiting the homebound, and teacking skills.

The devotional, "Unconditional Trust" was ready by Glenda Phillips.

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Club business was conducted after the pledge to the flag. Minutes were corrected for quilt donation as no quilts were donated at this time.

They played the game, "Counting Calories."

Phillips will host the Aug, 9 meeting, which will also be held at Twin Towers. Nancy Wujcik will present the program. Roll call will be the most fun you ever had. Everyone was asked to bring something for "Show and Tell."

The meeting adjourned after members repeated the club collect.

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