July 18, 2017

Puxico Junior High Supply includes: Mrs. Hindman (Ms. Mathis)-LR English/LR Math/AE Pencils (NO MECHANICALS), Two pocket folders, One package loose leaf paper (college or wide ruled), erasers and index cards. Mrs. Bowling-Sixth Grade Science & PAL Classes-...

Puxico Junior High Supply includes:

Mrs. Hindman (Ms. Mathis)-LR English/LR Math/AE

Pencils (NO MECHANICALS), Two pocket folders, One package loose leaf paper (college or wide ruled), erasers and index cards.

Mrs. Bowling-Sixth Grade Science & PAL Classes-

One package colored pencils (Science only), One package #2 pencils (Science & PAL), One package 3x5 index cards (Science-PAL), Two-one subject notebooks (Science only), One-two pocket folder (Science & PAL) and One package pencil top erasers ( Science & PAL).

Mrs. Davis-Sixth Grade Computers and Social Studies

Pencils, single subject notebook, highlighter and folder.

Mrs. Kirkman-Sixth Grade English & Literature

Pencils, One-three subject notebook, One-one subject notebook, notebook paper, index cards and highlighters-assorted colors.

Mrs. Mayberry-Sixth and Seventh Grade Math

One package pencils and pencil top erasers, one package colored pencils, one package loose leaf paper, one school box, one composition book, two three ring folders (one per semester), tow one subject notebooks (one per semester) and one highlighter.

Will Davis-Seventh and Eighth Grade Science

Pencils, erasers, tow pocket folder (plastic) and notebook with perforated edges or loose leaf paper.

Mrs. Odell-Seventh and Eighth Grade Social Studies

Seventh Grade: colored pencils, pencils, paper and three prong pocket folder.

Eighth Grade: one package index cards, pencils and paper.

Mrs. Willard-Seventh and Eighth Grade Communication Arts

One one inch three ring binder (to be left in classroom), one package loose leaf paper (to be left in classroom), notebook or notebook paper for in class work and notes and pencils.

sMr. Clements-Eighth Grade Math

Composition book (for Math ONLY) or a one subject notebook, pencils, one inch three ring binder, highlighter, two pocket folder, tab dividers and For Home: ruler, graph paper, (you may want to purchase a scientific calculator for home use. The one we use in class is a TS-36X118.
