Changes to the landscape of state education funding mean a $4 million reduction in the state assessment budget. Included in this reduction is funding for annual administration of the ACT for all 11th grade students.
Though legislators vow to fully fund this year's formula for individual school districts, Poplar Bluff R-1 Superintendent Scott Dill said state-level cuts like this significantly impact local students.
"That test is the gateway to college admission," Dill said. "By limiting the number of students that are able to take that test without any financial burden, it has limited opportunities for children."
The Missouri Dept. of Education began funding annual ACTs for 11th graders in 2015 as an effort to provide opportunity, which otherwise might not be available. The basic tests costs $45. The extended test, that includes a writing portion, costs $62.50. It was determined funding will end in 2018 because the test is not a state or federal requirement.
Dill said the Poplar Bluff R-1 will revisit procedures previously in place to help students prior to the state's involvement with alleviating testing costs. He also said continuing to work with community partners, such as Bright Futures, is important.
"I'm not saying this should be a burden for the community, but I think everyone realizes the need. The ACT represents opportunity and that's what universal admission of the test represented to me as an educator," Dill said.
In lieu of community-based support, districts may request fee waivers from ACT that allow high school juniors and seniors who qualify for free or reduced-price meals to test free of charge.
ACT testing dates for the 2017-18 school year are Oct. 3, Feb. 27 and April 3. Parents may contact ACT directly for more information regarding waivers or district-administered testing at 319-337-1270.
For other questions regarding the Missouri Assessment Program, contact the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education at 573-751-3545 or