July 9, 2017

To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors for Rodgers Theatre, Inc., I am happy to report that our recent "Restore the Rodgers" banquet at the Black River Coliseum was an unqualified success. Nearly 300 people joined us as we honored those who have assisted us in our effort to restore the Rodgers Theatre. ...

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Board of Directors for Rodgers Theatre, Inc., I am happy to report that our recent "Restore the Rodgers" banquet at the Black River Coliseum was an unqualified success. Nearly 300 people joined us as we honored those who have assisted us in our effort to restore the Rodgers Theatre. Because of the work of our volunteers and the generosity of our donors, our Capital Campaign has so far raised over $60,000 and donations continue to come in. We are well on our way to reaching our goal of $250,000 in private donations.

There are many individuals and local businesses that made our evening the success it was. Our thanks go to City Manager Mark Massingham and the Poplar Bluff City Council, along with Bobby Godwin, Greg Smith, and all those associated with the Black River Coliseum. Our community is extremely fortunate to have this outstanding facility to use for these kinds of events.

We also extend our thanks to Karen Campbell and her staff at Tasteful Creations for the fine meal they served. Thanks also to Lueke Distributing and Chris Shrum for providing beverages for our event.

We were fortunate to have several table sponsors and donors for our auction and door prizes. We express our sincere appreciation to the Allison Family, Artfully Framed, Baldwin Automotive Group, Butler County EMS, Dairel Denton and Associates, Dental Arts Group, Dille and Traxel, Dr. Dan Jackson, Dr. Dorothy Munch, Duncan and Pierce Attorneys at Law, First Midwest Bank, Fox Radio Network, Garner Car Wash, Hefner Furniture, Heritage Title Company, Kraft, Miles, and Tatum, La Boutique, Tom and Jeane Lawson, Luecke Distributing, Morgan's Small Engine Repair, Mike and Kim Nelson, Professional Wash Systems, Reblessed, Robert Whalen, CPA, Shooter Shack, Sterling Bank, US Bank, Whitworth Gift Chest Jewelers, and the Whitworth Family.

Several individuals gave of their time and talent. Kathy Duncan and Janet Davis decorated the tables. Brent Davis conducted the raffle. Doug Clark had the audience laughing with his Rodney Dangerfield impression. Felix Baker donated his services as auctioneer to help raise over $2,100 from our auction. Other volunteers were Kathy Mendez, Tanya Webster, Paula Pundsack, and our Rodgers' director, Penny Cooley.

One of the highlights of the evening was an appearance by Marianne Gloriod Stich, who traveled from Oklahoma City to be with us. Marianne's father was Pete Gloriod, who was the manager of the Rodgers during the '50s and '60s. Mrs. Stich shared with us her heartfelt memories of growing up at the Rodgers Theatre, and reminded us of just what a special place this theatre really is.

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We also want to express our appreciation to the Daily American Republic and to Chelsae Cordia for the great coverage our campaign has received in the newspaper.

Through these efforts of Steve Halter, we have received major gifts and/or pledges from the following corporate donors: Briggs And Stratton, Commerce Bank, Gates Rubber, Mid-Continent Nail, Pepsi Mid-America, Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market.

Finally, a special thanks to Dr. Tom Lawson. It was his vision to have this banquet and he and his wife Jeane worked tirelessly and gave of their own resources to make our evening, and our campaign, a great success.

Thanks to all of you who have contributed so far to our effort. While we still have a long way to go in our fundraising, the Rodgers Theatre Board is committed to make a difference with your donations, and we believe that you will soon see some noticeable improvements. We appreciate this great community - thank you again for supporting the Rodgers Theatre.

Wally Duncan


Rodgers Theatre, Inc.

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