Cane Creek Community Club met at 11 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, at Twin Towers.
Marie Boxx, president, called the meeting to order. Wilma Rains offered the devotionals, "Heaven," about judging others related to Matthew 7:1. Both the secretary's and treasurer's reports were approved as submitted.
Two quilts made by club members have been given to flood victims; Ruth Anderson has made another quilt to be given away. Roll call was discussion the most scared you have ever been.
Boxx's program, "How to Keep Healthy and Happy as Senior Citizens," emphasized keeping active, eating healthy, socializing, and getting adequate sleep/
"A Letter" from "Black River Times" illustrating frustration encountered when dealing with a bank's automated answering system, was read."Cake You May Know," was the game. Wilma Rains won the cake mix prize. A get-well card was sent to Jean Hawkins.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 12 a Twin Towers. Nancy Wujcik will be hostess and will also present the program. Roll call will be an act of kindness either given or received.
The Pledge of Allegiance was repeated and Wilma Rains closed with prayer.