June 21, 2017

To the Editor, I grieve for my country. I pray for its future. Have we truly come to a point where we consider violence as an alternative when we disagree with the ideals of our elected leaders? If so, we have lost our identity. I must continue to believe that as a whole we are better than that. No matter your particular disagreements with one ideology or another, forceful ideological compliance goes against everything this country has ever stood for. May God have mercy on us and grant us peace...

To the Editor,

I grieve for my country.

I pray for its future. Have we truly come to a point where we consider violence as an alternative when we disagree with the ideals of our elected leaders? If so, we have lost our identity.

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I must continue to believe that as a whole we are better than that. No matter your particular disagreements with one ideology or another, forceful ideological compliance goes against everything this country has ever stood for. May God have mercy on us and grant us peace.

The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing!

Eddy Justice

Poplar Bluff

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