May 17, 2017

Puxico R-8 School will be screening preschoolers on Wednesday, May 24, for the 2017-2018 school year. You must make an appointment to have your child screened if you wish them to be considered for preschool. Completing a screening does not guarantee enrollment in the program.---...

Puxico R-8 School will be screening preschoolers on Wednesday, May 24, for the 2017-2018 school year.

You must make an appointment to have your child screened if you wish them to be considered for preschool. Completing a screening does not guarantee enrollment in the program.---

To make a screening appointment, please call the elementary school office at 222-3542 by Monday, May 22.

Bring the following to screening:

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Proof of age (birth certificate)

Proof of residency (property tax receipt, utility bill, rent contract)

Child's immunization record (shot record)

To be eligible for screening, children must be 3 years old before Aug. 1, 2017.

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