Many small business owners have questions on how to manage their business more effectively or how can they get financing. They also wonder where the answers can be found to the questions.
A class, offered by the local University of Missouri Cape Girardeau County Extension Small Business Technology Development Center, is designed to answer those questions and more.
The class will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 17, at the Southeast Missouri State University Center in Malden, 700 N. Douglass St. Room 122, Malden, Mo. Refreshments will be provided. Richard Proffer, area business development specialist for Extension, says, "this is an opportunity for people having business questions on financing, how to start a business, management or on the services of the SBA or Extension's business development program to come and hear first hand what can be done for them."
To register, call 573-243-3581. SBTDC/Extension business programs are also sponsored by the Small Business Administration and University of Missouri and are open to all interested residents. Requests for special accommodations will be considered in advance by calling 573-243-3581 and asking for Richard Proffer.