April 30, 2017

Eliminate: 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Savings: $1.2 billion. Trump: Lacks strong evidence of meeting objectives, such as improving student achievement. It represents about $300,000 annually for the club, which serves approximately 400 school children each day with after school programs and provides full-day summer school activities...

Eliminate: 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Savings: $1.2 billion. Trump: Lacks strong evidence of meeting objectives, such as improving student achievement.

* This provides 30 percent of the funding to the Poplar Bluff Boys and Girls Club.

It represents about $300,000 annually for the club, which serves approximately 400 school children each day with after school programs and provides full-day summer school activities.

Eliminate: Community Services Block Grant and Low Income Home Energy Assistance program. Savings: $4.2 billion. Trump: The CSBG duplicates other federal programs. The energy program is lower impact, compared to other income support programs.

* The CSBG is the funding that defines a community action agency. It made up about $411,000 of the South Central Missouri Community Action Agency's $9.7 million budget.

The 52-year-old agency served nearly 5,500 families in the seven-county area last year. Programs include weatherization, energy assistance, housing assistance, youth employment and Head Start.

* Low income energy assistance provided $216,000 or 60 percent of the funds to help weatherize the homes of 70 low income and elderly residents last year through the SCMCAA.

Eliminate: Corporation for National and Community Service. Savings: $1.1 billion. Trump: It is one of 19 independent agencies eliminated in an attempt to redefine the proper role of the federal government.

* AmeriCorps receives about $180,000 in federal money from this program.

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Approximately 30 members provide tutoring and other assistance to students in Poplar Bluff school children. Data shows about 90 percent of the students improve their grades, reading levels and school behaviors.

* SeniorCorps provides a portion of the budget for the local RSVP chapter.

The Retired Senior Volunteer Program has about 130 members who contribute more than 16,000 hours of service annually at about 20 sites. It has been in Butler County for more than 40 years.

Eliminate: Community Development Block Grant program. Savings: $3 billion. Trump: The program is not well-targeted to the poorest populations and has not demonstrated results.

* At least 17 projects in the seven-county area have received well over $3 million in CDBG funds in the last five years.

Butler County will receive more than $1.4 million in CDBG money to construction an Industrial Park overpass. The city of Grandin received $500,000 for a water project.

CDBG money also built a firehouse at Qulin, paved streets in Neelyville, bought flood-prone property in Doniphan and replaced bridges in Wayne County.

Eliminate: The Delta Regional Authority. Savings: Approximately $10 million. Trump: One of approximately 20 independent agencies which would no longer be funded.

* The DRA was created to improve economic opportunity in an eight-state Delta Region.

DRA has invested more than $800,000 in at least nine area projects in the past five years. This includes $106,000 to help pay for the Butler County Industrial Park overpass, as well as $200,000 to improve wastewater treatment facilities in Williamsville, and almost $164,000 for levee inspections in Butler County.

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