February 23, 2017

Good riddance '16 There is no love lost as 2016 exits, but some gratitudes and farewells are in order. Goodbye President Obama, your stagnant economy, executive orders, unaffordable healthcare, ISIS expansion and divisive legacy. Jimmy Carter thanks you -- he never looked so good...

Good riddance '16

There is no love lost as 2016 exits, but some gratitudes and farewells are in order.

Goodbye President Obama, your stagnant economy, executive orders, unaffordable healthcare, ISIS expansion and divisive legacy. Jimmy Carter thanks you -- he never looked so good.

To mainstream media -- sorry for your loss. Your meltdowns on election night were delightful. To the Hollywood elites promising to move to Canada (not Mexico -- how can we miss you if you won't go away?

Thank you liberal academia for enabling our young to be whiny, spoiled, helpless twits. You should care less about offending someone and more about inspiring them.

Goodbye Hillary Clinton (my favorite salutation). Your sister wants her ruby slippers back. Sorry Bernie, but if your hand is too close to the lion's cage, you're going to loose some fingers.

To dinbat Liz Warren -- if only you were a Hillary email, you could go missing forever.

John Kerry is leaving. Aww, John, why the long face? Thanks, Democrats, for getting rid of daft Nancy Pelosi . . . oops . . . nevermind. Good riddance Harry Reid -- you left your scaly skin behind on the Senate floor.

Thanks Colin Kaepernick for reminding us how many heroes died for your right to be a jackass. Many thanks to our brave men and women in blue. Relax, someone's got your back now.

Cheers to working-class Americans who believe in American exceptionalism, rewarding success and restoring the entrepreneurial spirit. This is what hope looks like, Michelle. Happy 2017!

Vets mistreated

The veterans' housing would be the best thing that happened for veterans here since the VA Hospital was built. Veterans have died alone in rooms here in recent years and had died under bridges in the downtown area. Concerns about this project lowering property values and other false accusations are scare tactics and hysterical hype stirred up to scare people about this project. This housing comes with a coordinator who would direct veterans who needed services to make sure that city codes are followed.

Poplar Bluff is a town of flag-wavers and Bible-thumpers, but when it comes to the principle of caring for the disadvantaged when weighed in the balance it comes up lacking! Veterans are heroes until it comes to supporting them on real issues like housing, then they are made to sound like bums and prison inmates.
