Speak Out 8/10/15
or disabled
Here's a little thing for our President. The thing to understand when it comes to the problem of social security disability -- the thing that the newspaper here locally said that the disability is going to run out of funds late next year. Why doesn't our President and our representatives do the correct thing? Take it from welfare payments and give it to those who truly can't work and then require those on welfare that are able bodied to make up the difference for themselves.
Myself, the only people I truly had heart for when it comes to any social welfare program are those that are truly disabled. Those that can't work any more in our society. So since welfare apparently doesn't have any chance of ever running out of money, take the money there Mr. President and apply it to the disability benefits and them make those deadbeats on welfare get out and work even if it's means picking up trash along our highways. Any work is better than just sitting there and drawing a check when you're able-bodied.
Get the point, Mr. President?