August 11, 2011

Neelyville R-IV administrators and teachers decided earlier this week to use the additional 25 minutes at the end of each school day as "Tiger Time." The period will be used as an intervention for students who need help in certain subjects and enrichment for students who are already doing well...

Sarabeth Waller

Neelyville R-IV administrators and teachers decided earlier this week to use the additional 25 minutes at the end of each school day as "Tiger Time." The period will be used as an intervention for students who need help in certain subjects and enrichment for students who are already doing well.

"Basically it's going to be an intervention time at the end of the day that's going to meet the needs of every student," said Elementary Principal Aaron Burton.

Certified teachers will be available for each subject taught, so a student who is struggling in math can spend the time with a math teacher, Burton said as an example.

Staff will also spend time with students who are not struggling in any specific subject.

"We want to make sure we're pushing them, not just leaving them alone either," Burton said. "It'll be a form of enrichment, whether it's reading or second grade math work for a first grader."

Burton said any enrichment work would not be for a grade.

For third through sixth graders, who tend to have more homework than lower elementary students, the time may also be used to catch up on missed homework.

Staff had previously discussed using the time as MAP test prep time, but Burton said they were able to make time for that without using Tiger Time.

Burton said when Superintendent Brad Hagood first presented the idea of an extended school day, he knew right away what would be a good use of the time. He said he and Curriculum Director Janet Davis had already discussed at the end of last year the possibility of an "intervention" time for the 2011-12 school year.

The idea is supported by the teachers, Burton said.

"The teachers that we had pulled in and talked to, they were 100 percent behind it," he said. "They're excited about it."

"It's going to have a huge impact on the teachers because it's going to allow all of our teachers to not just work with their own home room students," Burton added. "It's going to allow them to have an investment in every student that's in their building."

Burton also anticipates a positive impact on the students.

"They're going to see that all the teachers do care about their success," he said. "Their knowledge, their grades and our MAP scores are going to reflect that. In the end, it will help prepare them for college or a trade."

At the high school, Davis said an emphasis during Tiger Time will be on the importance of completing homework. Each day also will conclude with a few minutes spent reflecting on what the students learned that day, called a "ticket out."

Staff will reward Tiger Time classes with students who come to class and do their homework, Davis said. Total attendance will be added up for each class and the number of tardies and missing homework assignments for the group will be subtracted from that number. Each quarter the two junior high classes and the two high school classes with the highest scores will be rewarded, although teachers have not yet decided on what that reward will be.

Davis also anticipates the format benefitting both students and teachers.

"It gives [teachers] more time to spend with students on a one-on-one basis," she said.

"They're excited to have this time to work with those students," Davis added.

For most students, placement will be based on which class is considered to be his or her most challenging. For example, chemistry students will likely receive extra instruction in chemistry, Davis said.

A student's Tiger Time assignment can change based on his or her assessed needs, though, Davis said. A teacher who recognizes a student struggling in his or her class can request placement in a certain Tiger Time class. Administrators will also consider parent and student requests for a certain class.

While more details were hammered out this week, Hagood said the plans are still flexible.

"This is trial and error," he said. "We may have to change this two to three times to get it to where we want it."
