August 2, 2011

Tracy Frish, executive director of Downtown Poplar Bluff, Inc., and Mike Hemmer, the city's consultant for the DREAM program, gave a presentation on Downtown revitalization efforts during the Poplar Bluff City Council meeting Monday night. "Our presentation kicks off the strategic planning process PGAV and DPB will lead," Frish said...

Tracy Frish, executive director of Downtown Poplar Bluff, Inc., and Mike Hemmer, the city's consultant for the DREAM program, gave a presentation on Downtown revitalization efforts during the Poplar Bluff City Council meeting Monday night.

"Our presentation kicks off the strategic planning process PGAV and DPB will lead," Frish said.

The end product will be a strategic plan for Downtown Poplar Bluff that is intended to provide the framework and priorities to guide our community through the next 5-10 years in its efforts to revitalize and spur economic development in the Downtown area, according to Frish.

The first planning workshop was from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today in City Hall.

"Downtown needs to be a destination to survive and thrive," Hemmer said

He cited the need for the city and property owners to make improvements, mixed use zoning for loft apartments on the upper floors of buildings and more financial support for downtown revitalization.

"We hope the City Council will adopt the Downtown strategic plan in November," Hemmer said. He also expects it will be adopted by the Downtown Poplar Bluff Board and the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce.

Frish presented a report on her activities since being hired by the city in February 2010, including writing grants, starting the Iron Horse Festival, promoting Downtown businesses and activities and helping with getting the historic train depot and historic Wheatley School restored.

A recommendation from the Poplar Bluff Planning and Zoning Commission to approve a conditional use permit for SEMO Opportunity Housing, Inc. to operate a group home for at-risk boys at 468 N. Main St., was moved to the Aug. 15 council meeting.

"The property is in a RD-1 residential duplex zone and has been used as an apartment building," City Planner Dennis Avery said. "The boys will be living at this facility on a voluntary basis."

Stipulations include the conditional use permit going only with the owner, a final walk-through involving the city inspection and fire departments, meeting all state and local standards for housing at-risk boys, getting required alterations approved by city, and staff using off-street parking on the site.

"SEMO Opportunity House will provide a safe nurturing environment for young people successfully leaving a rehabilitation program to make a transition to become a productive individual for society," said Peter Tinsley, a member of the First United Methodist Church who is one of the organizers. "We will provide mentoring and guidance while allowing the clients enough freedom to prove they are capable of functioning on their own."

A family-type atmosphere will be provided by staff members with qualifications similar to the staff at Sears Youth Center. The Methodist Church has been involved with the Sears youth for several years.

"Clients will agree to participate in any rehab programs deemed necessary by the board of directors and submit to drug testing upon request," Tinsley said. "The program will hold the client to a high standard with no tolerance for drug and substance abuse."

Tinsley also said they will be taught homemaking, economic and social skills.

Future plans involve the creation of other Opportunity Houses as the need arises. Local officials have expressed a need for a home for females, according to Tinsley.

"This is a step in the right direction. I think it is a great program," Councilman Loyd Matthews said.

A letter of support from Deputy Police Chief Jeff Rolland was read. Rick Stewart, facilities manager at the Sears Youth Center, and Travis Smith, community services coordinator for the Division of Youth Services, expressed their support during the council meeting.

Tinsley also discussed how the appearance of the house will be improved and how the rooms will be used in the group home.

A proposed ordinance establishing a procedure for the disclosure of potential conflicts of interests and substantial interests for certain municipal officers was moved to the Aug. 15 meeting. This document is required by the Missouri Ethics Commission.

An ordinance authorizing Mayor Ed DeGaris to execute a service agreement between Entergy Services, Inc. and the city of Poplar Bluff regarding the transfer of 20 megawatts of firm transmission capacity from the Plum Point Energy Station at Osceola, Ark., was approved. Municipal Utilities General Manager Bill Bach said a recommendation to approve the agreement was made by the Municipal Utilities Advisory Board.

An ordinance authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the design engineering of the apron rehabilitation project at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Airport was approved. The state block grant agreement is for $55,952.

Bagby said he hopes 90 percent federal funding becomes available for the $800,000 project. The city has budgeted $80,000 for the 10 percent match. If the funds do not become available for a 6-inch overlay, the city may proceed with 2-inch overlay, according to Bagby.
