June 21, 2018

Recently, a black bear was found floating in Current River. The incident did help to serve as a reminder that we do have black bears in Missouri and they are active this time of year, more so than the rest of the year. They are searching for new food resources and young male bears are looking for new areas to call home...

Frank Campa

Recently, a black bear was found floating in Current River. The incident did help to serve as a reminder that we do have black bears in Missouri and they are active this time of year, more so than the rest of the year. They are searching for new food resources and young male bears are looking for new areas to call home.

While we only have one species of bear in Missouri, which is the black bear, it may vary in color from blonde, cinnamon, brown or black.

The important thing is to remember they are around and plan accordingly, whether at home or out camping this time of year.

What typically attracts a traveling bear is food. It might be sunflower seeds in a backyard bird feeder, bee hives, dog or cat food left outside or in an open shed, a blackberry patch or maybe even a trash bin that smells good them. Bears have a keen sense of smell and that leads them to something that smells good.

Although you may have bird feeders out this time of year, it is really not necessary to fill them with seed as the birds have plenty of natural wild seed to eat now. In particular, do not fill them with sunflower seeds. Black bears love sunflower seeds.

If you have bee hives in your back yard, it is a good idea to put a small electric fence or line around them.

Never leave any pet food easily available to any wildlife outside, in an open shed or barn, or even a garage. It is a good bet it may cause problems. Garage doors get left open quite often or left partially open for pets. Trash bins attract bears quite often, so try not to have any near your home or camp near them if you can help it. Also, make sure they are emptied often.

Blackberry season is soon approaching, so make sure you make lots of noise when picking berries, squirrel hunting or just out walking in the woods.

While camping, keep campsites clean and store all food, toiletries and trash in a secure vehicle or strung high between two trees (commonly practiced by backpackers). Do not burn or bury garbage or food waste.

Never intentionally feed bears as they will associate food with people and most likely become a problem where they may have to be killed to keep from hurting someone.

While close encounters are uncommon, the Missouri Department of Conservation offers this advice when outdoors in potential black bear country: Make noise while walking or hiking to prevent surprising a bear. Clap, sing or talk loudly. Travel in a group if possible. Pay attention to the surroundings and watch for bear sign, such as tracks and claw or bite marks on trees. Keep dogs leashed.

It's important to leave a bear alone. Do not approach it. Make sure it has an escape route. If encountering a bear close, back away slowly with arms raised to look larger. Speak in a calm, loud voice. Do not turn away from the bear. Back away slowly, and do not run.

MDC has been conducting black bear research since 2010 to help answer questions like where are they and where do they move around.

One new and exciting feature of the new MDC research website is our Missouri black bear project story map. You can explore maps, photos and videos about Missouri's black bears and the research we are conducting at https://research.mdc.mo.gov/project/missouri-black-bear-project.
