May 17, 2018

As we progress through time, we get fresh new opportunities each year as our seasons change; it's a re-birth of sorts from spring all the way through winter. Noticing and appreciating these transitions each year in our outdoor world is amazing and enjoyable, whether it is the arrival of the first hummingbirds or that first wild turkey gobble in the spring. It gives us all something to look forward to and gives us joy in our daily lives...

Frank Campa

As we progress through time, we get fresh new opportunities each year as our seasons change; it's a re-birth of sorts from spring all the way through winter.

Noticing and appreciating these transitions each year in our outdoor world is amazing and enjoyable, whether it is the arrival of the first hummingbirds or that first wild turkey gobble in the spring. It gives us all something to look forward to and gives us joy in our daily lives.

Two such annual events I enjoy announcing each year are the arrival of consecutive hunting and fishing season openers that I know several people look forward to - squirrel hunting season and black bass season on Ozark streams.

Both seasons open each year on the Saturday immediately prior to Memorial Day. This year, that day is May 26.

A small game hunting permit is required for anyone 16 years of age or older to squirrel hunt, unless you are a Missouri resident 65 years of age or older, or a qualifying landowner/lessee who is hunting on their own property of five acres or more.

This is also true of anglers interested in fishing for black bass or any other fish. Other permit exemptions exist and are listed in Chapter 5 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri under paragraph 5.205.

If you have relatives coming in from out of town for the holiday weekend, they might just be interested in buying customized permits that are for certain days instead of a nonresident permit for the entire year. Permits can be purchased online at, at local vendors or on your smartphone with either the free "Mo Fishing" or "Mo Hunting" apps.

The daily limit for squirrels is 10. The individual possession limit for squirrels is 20. You cannot take 20 a day. If you are using a shotgun, it cannot be capable of holding more than three shells at a time. In other words, a suitable plug is required if not using a single- or double-barrel, hinge-action shotgun.

Only gray and fox squirrels are legal game. Neither flying squirrels nor chipmunks are legal to take.

While black bass on streams statewide can be caught all year, they cannot be kept or possessed on Missouri streams in the Ozarks between March 1 and the Friday before the fourth Saturday in May; and they must be released immediately after being caught during that time period.

The boundary for this regulation is listed in the Wildlife Code of Missouri in Chapter 6 in paragraph 6.505 (3) Seasons. It is best to refer to the specific regulation in the Wildlife Code and mark this boundary on a road map for clear reference from year to year. Wildlife Code books are free of charge at local vendors or online at, plus regulations are listed under the specific species on the "Mo Hunting" or "Mo Fishing" apps on your smartphones.

The daily limit for black bass in streams (unimpounded waters) statewide is six. The minimum length limit for black bass in streams statewide is 12 inches.

Special length limit regulations may apply on specific streams. Refer to chapter /paragraph 6.505 (4) length limits in the Wildlife Code. For example, the minimum length limit for smallmouth on Ten Mile Creek, from the Highway B bridge (Carter County) to its confluence with Cane Creek is 15 inches, and only one smallmouth 15 inches or longer may be kept on that water per day.

Regardless of your pursuit this upcoming holiday weekend, make sure you have permission if you will be hunting or fishing on private property. For full understanding, please refer to written hunting and fishing regulations, then call your local conservation agent if you have any questions. We will be more than happy to help you.
