August 1, 2019

Conditions were just about ideal when more than 80 teams fished last weekend’s Wappapello Bass Circuit tournament. Taking the win was the team of Rhodes and White, who tallied a total stringer weight of 18.29 pounds. Second place went to Hardin and Meyer with 17.06 pounds, while third place was earned by Henderson and Henderson with 15.21 pounds. They also had the day’s second-largest bass, weighing in at 7.27 pounds...

Conditions were just about ideal when more than 80 teams fished last weekend’s Wappapello Bass Circuit tournament.

Taking the win was the team of Rhodes and White, who tallied a total stringer weight of 18.29 pounds.

Second place went to Hardin and Meyer with 17.06 pounds, while third place was earned by Henderson and Henderson with 15.21 pounds. They also had the day’s second-largest bass, weighing in at 7.27 pounds.

Enderle and Noel captured fourth place with a weight of 13.80 pounds, while Breckenridge and Cheatham wrapped up the fifth spot with 13.71 pounds, which included the day’s big bass, a 7.42-pound whopper.

The Wappapello Bass Circuit will fish again on Aug. 24.

River Tournament

The Current River Smallmouth Association will host a club tournament Saturday, based out of the TL Wright ramp at Doniphan.

As usual, fishing is slated to run from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m., with a weigh-in following at the ramp.

The weather forecast looks decent for the event, and if you want to get registered, you can call Paul Henderson at 573-686-5476.

Personal Bests

Poplar Bluff trapshooters Ethan Smith, Mason Murphy Foster and Kenna Mills earned patches for scoring 25 straight broken clays during this week’s AIM shoot.
Poplar Bluff trapshooters Ethan Smith, Mason Murphy Foster and Kenna Mills earned patches for scoring 25 straight broken clays during this week’s AIM shoot. Photo provided

Poplar Bluff High School’s trap team competed earlier this week at the AIM Nationals in Sparta, Ill., and though they didn’t place on the podium, several shooters earned patches for shooting their first 25-straight clay bids.

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New team members Ethan Smith, Mason Murphy Foster and Kenna Mills all shot their first 25 straights and were rewarded for doing so.

“As our season is winding down, I couldn’t be more proud of these kids,” said coach Sandy Pike. “They have so much grit and determination, and I cannot wait to see what next year brings.”

Survival Camp

If your children are looking for something to do next week, the Butler County 4-H Club and the University of Missouri Extension will be hosting a “Survival Camp” at Wappapello Lake’s Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center Tuesday through Thursday.

The event, which is open to children ages 8-18, will run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. each day, and lunch and snacks will be provided.

Topics covered during the camp will include knot tying, tent setup, campfires, backpacking, orienteering, first aid, cooking outdoors and more.

There is a $60 fee for current 4-H members, which bumps up to $80 for non-members.

If you’re interested, you can pre-register and get more information by calling the Extension office at 573-686-8064.

Field Day

Don’t forget about the youth event Saturday morning at the Otter Slough Conservation Area.

The event start at 7 a.m. on the north shore of Cypress Lake, where Department of Conservation Fisheries Management Biologist Mike Reed will demonstrate his electrofishing gear and techniques.

After that, children will have the opportunity to put leg bands on mourning doves and wood ducks before releasing them back to the wild.

There’s no cost to attend, and all youngsters who participate will get some free goodies from the Dexter Greenheads chapter of Ducks Unlimited.

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