July 22, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission unanimously approved the addition of the veteran’s/active duty military waterfowl hunt to Arkansas’s youth waterfowl hunt days during its most recent meeting. This is the second consecutive year the Commission has approved the option since it was made available by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service...

By RANDY ZELLERS, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission unanimously approved the addition of the veteran’s/active duty military waterfowl hunt to Arkansas’s youth waterfowl hunt days during its most recent meeting. This is the second consecutive year the Commission has approved the option since it was made available by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Additionally, the Commission heard a clarification to waterfowl seasons to correct discrepancies in wording between the AGFC’s Official Code of Regulations and the dates published in the Federal Register. The following dates have been published in the Federal Register and will be officially voted on during the Commission’s August meeting:

• Dove; Sept. 5-Oct. 25 and Dec. 8-Jan. 15

• Common and Purple Gallinule — Sept. 1. - Nov. 9

• Virginia Rail and Sora — Sept. 12-Nov. 20

• Early Teal — Sept. 15-30

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• Snipe — Nov. 1-Feb. 15

• Woodcock — Nov. 7-Dec. 21

• Duck, Coot and Merganser — Nov. 21-30; Dec. 11-23; and Dec. 26, 2020-Jan. 31

• Canada Goose — Sept. 1-30; Oct. 31-Nov. 3; Nov. 21-Dec. 4; and Dec. 6-Jan. 31

• White-fronted, Snow, Blue and Ross’s Goose — Oct. 31-Nov. 16; Nov. 21-Dec.4; and Dec. 6-Jan. 31.

• Youth and Veteran/Active Duty Military Hunt — Dec. 5 and Feb. 6

• Light Goose Conservation Order — Oct. 3-30; Nov. 17-20; Feb. 1-5; and Feb. 7-April 25.

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