January 9, 2020

To the Editor: Here we go. The new decade has begun with 2020 rolling in and I have a feeling this one is going to be a dousey or however you spell it, it is going to be a year for the ages. The presidential elections are again amongst us and we get to listen to even more political rhetoric, bashing and back-stabbing. ...

To the Editor:

Here we go. The new decade has begun with 2020 rolling in and I have a feeling this one is going to be a dousey or however you spell it, it is going to be a year for the ages.

The presidential elections are again amongst us and we get to listen to even more political rhetoric, bashing and back-stabbing. Boy I cannot wait (sarcasm) if you could not tell. I am not here backing one party or the other because if I was, this would not get printed in the DAR as they remain politically neutral … I think?

I just did some checking and here is a list of candidates who are currently in the race running to be our new Commander in Chief against our current administration of Mr. Donald J. Trump. Now these are both Democratic and Republican. This does not include Independents.


Michael Bennett, 55 of Colorado. Nothing interesting to say about Mr. Bennett.

Joseph Biden, 77 of Delaware. Has run twice – enough said. Former VP.

Michael Bloomberg, 77 of New York. Re-filed as Democrat after being a Rep. Mayor Cory Booker, 50 of New Jersey Again, nothing interesting to say.

Pete Buttigieg, 37 of Indiana. Military Vet. Thank you for your service.

John Delaney, 56 of Maryland. Former Congressman.

Tulsi Gabbard, 38 of Hawaii. Used to work for Anti-Gay Advocacy Groups.

Amy Klobucher, 59 of Minnesota. Former Senator.

Patrick Deval, 63 of Massachusetts. Former Gov. and Former friend of Obama.

Bernie Sander, 78 of Vermont. Runner-up Dem. Party 2016, Feel the Bern again.

Tom Steyer, 62 of California. Billionaire. Repeatedly ran in California.

Elizabeth Warren, 70 of Massachusetts. “I have a plan for that.” Her slogans on t-shirts.

Marianne Williamson, 67 of ?????. Anti-Gun. From either TX, CA, NM or NY? Dunno.

Andrew Yang, 44 of New York. Former Technical Executive. Not much info.


Donald J. Trump, 73. Current Commander in Chief.

Joe Walsh, 58 of Illinois. No not a member of the Eagles.

Former Cong. William Weld, 74 of Massachusetts

Former Gov. Hmmm … 2nd one of those on list.

So, here is our lists, again without Independents or any other made up parties added. Let’s look at this list a bit. Massachusetts has two previous governors on the list, one an elephant the other a donkey. Then you have, “Feel the Bern”, Bernie Sanders on the list. Have one female who claimed to be a Native American. We have one who is a former vice president who cannot stop himself from getting too close to people and wants to whisper in their ears all the time. Another who cannot decide where she is from, born in Texas but has lived in California, New Mexico and New York? Now there is a diverse individual. And one who is on the list because his name is the same as one of my favorite musicians on my favorite group, The Eagles, and is also by the way from Illinois.

Will this choice be an easy one? Easy for me but I will keep that to myself and if mine loses then so be it, I will have to adapt to a new regime. What? You mean I have to adapt to something different? Wow… I guess I will but you know what? I will never, ever talk down about that person. I will work with what God has chosen for us and move on.

I will never support any type of political witch hunt trying to impeach a person who the government has already spent more money on trying to get someone out of office then we the people can afford. Again … enough said.


Roger Burton

Poplar Bluff
