January 12, 2020

Here we are, the beginning of the year 2020. Resolutions have been prepared. Gym memberships have been purchased. Twenty-one day fasts have begun in our churches. It is a time for us to refocus, and a time for us to start fresh. By the time you are reading this column, you will be about 10 days in!...

Dave Truncone

Here we are, the beginning of the year 2020.

Resolutions have been prepared. Gym memberships have been purchased. Twenty-one day fasts have begun in our churches.

It is a time for us to refocus, and a time for us to start fresh. By the time you are reading this column, you will be about 10 days in!

So, I want to speak life into you today! Go for it! I encourage you to make the changes you need to be better.

Understand, you are already great! How do I know that? You are a Child of God, created in his image. However, I encourage you to make yourself better.

Research by Dr. James Clear reports that it takes 66 days to form a habit. So I encourage you, to be persistent. Do not give up! Like the Apostle Paul says, when you have done all else to stand, stand some more!

When we think about the new year and making improvements, most of the time, our goals are personal.

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We focus on weight loss, saving more money, quitting addictive habits, spending more time with our spouse or children etc. Those are great goals and I encourage you to reach them.

However, I would also like to encourage you to focus a little more outward. Let us spend more time storing up treasure in heaven. Spending more time with our families can definitely be considered storing up treasure in heaven. However, I also want to encourage you to find a way you can make a difference in your community.

In Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What are some things in your world and in your neighborhood where you can make a difference?

Maybe it is volunteering at the school or the Boys/Girls Club? What about the widow down the road? Could you take a few minutes to drop by and see her? You could invite her over for dinner or bring her some soup. How can you be a help to your church or your pastor more this year? You can spend a few hours a month volunteering at the food bank. Cook dinner and drop it off at the police department or the fire station.

We are very busy people, but we have the ability to make time for whatever we want to do. For where your treasure is, there is where your heart is. You can make a difference. You can make a change. Set your sights on things above. Things that make an eternal difference. Don’t just notice the problem in your community, ask God to give you the solution.

Happy new year to you all! Have a very blessed 2020.

Dave Truncone is the pastor of First Assembly of God Church in Van Buren.

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