To the editor:
Liberal politicians and media elites love to trivialize the continuing assault on Christmas. They celebrate when a large corporation removes any reference to Christ from their productions and rejoice as schools substitute “Holiday” in place of “Christmas” on our children’s calendars. When small towns have the audacity to put up nativity scenes, these big-government elites attack like a pack of wolves. The small Missouri town of Ozark was accosted just last year for putting a Christian cross in their Christmas display. These attacks on Christmas are not isolated events, they are part of a growing assault on Christianity itself.
According to a study by the Pew Research Center, Christians are now the most targeted faith-group in the world and are the focus of attack in over 144 countries. This assault on Christians is getting more intense as it spreads. The non-profit Open Doors USA found that persecution against Christians is growing in at least 73 countries, endangering nearly 250 million believers, and makes up 80 percent of all religious persecution. It’s getting so bad in some regions that the British government warned this war on Christians is approaching genocide.
Why are we not hearing more about this growing worldwide crisis from our leaders and the media? It’s simple: The same obsession with political correctness that fuels the War on Christmas also infects how they cover and view the global assault on Christianity. They are systematically removing all references to Christ from the Christmas season, so they aren’t going to report about Christians being eradicated across the globe.
Christians around the globe need to know that the United States is still the “shining city on a hill” that they can count on. Our Founders built this nation on Christian beliefs and values. Try as they might, liberals cannot change that history. Putting an end to the “War on Christmas” and defending our faith is one small way we can begin to push back and stand up for brothers and sisters in Christ across the world.
So, when you proudly wish family, friends, and even strangers, “Merry Christmas” this year, know that it’s more than a simple holiday greeting. It’s a bold, brave stance in service of our Creator and in defense of believers across the globe. Make sure your actions this Christmas speak your faith louder than ever before. The stakes have never been higher. Merry Christmas!
Jeff Shawan
Republican candidate for state Senate in Southeast Missouri.