September 27, 2017

Honesty in gasoline prices? I just wanted to say I gassed up yesterday in Pocahontas, Ark. for $2.29 a gallon. I gassed up today in Doniphan for $2.29 a gallon and that's the price all over seems like, except for Poplar Bluff. I wonder what the problem is with Poplar Bluff? Are these people honest?...

Honesty in

gasoline prices?

I just wanted to say I gassed up yesterday in Pocahontas, Ark. for $2.29 a gallon. I gassed up today in Doniphan for $2.29 a gallon and that's the price all over seems like, except for Poplar Bluff. I wonder what the problem is with Poplar Bluff? Are these people honest?

Money not there

for the health plan

Yes, hello, this is concerning, um, the proposed healthcare plan. The money simply won't be there. Maybe we should cut the wealthy's tax breaks.

How do you

become a citizen?

We need someone that knows about what is required to become a citizen. To write or call Speak Out and explain what people need to do to become American citizens. Most of us don't know cause we were born here. But we have to have a birth certificate and when we drive we have to have a vehicle's license and insurance. Once a year we have to pay Uncle Sam our taxes. A young man here in town is fighting deportation after raising a family. Why is he not a citizen? Someone didn't help this man. Doesn't he have papers coming across the border? We do have laws to be helpful to people. Please help us.

The $36,000

R-1 boondoggle

Hello Speak Out. I'm just an ol' dumbass country boy. I saw the $36,000 boondoggle in the paper. Why are the individuals responsible for that not responsible for reimbursing the taxpayers? I mean they're in line whenever possible to fill their gas tanks up out at the bus garage.

Who needs the

NFL anyway?

Does anybody really need the NFL? I'm done with 'em. Thank you.

Need city reg

on dogs and cats

Yes, I'd like to know where you can get information on how the rules and regulations are for the city of Poplar Bluff for dogs and cats. If there's any information you can give me or can tell me where to get it I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Not buying the

DAR's load of crap

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Why does the DAR only print what it wants and not the real deal? I think the boss up there needs to look around a little and see this community don't buy his load of crap.

Why quiet on

city hall donation?

I wonder why it is that voters never heard of the donation of property for the city hall? Sounds like the good ole boys are at work again. Thank you.

It needs to be

addressed quickly

How do you think you would feel if you suddenly found out you were adopted years ago and no one ever told you? I think that's probably the way the 800,000 young people feel who were brought here by their parents and now find out they can't stay or there's a good possibility they can't stay.

I think that needs to be addressed quickly.

Thank you.

I dreamed of new

city hall location

Locate the new city hall on the Bacon Pastures. Next to the water tower. In the middle of Poplar Bluff Mo.

Where the Poplar Bluff Mules practice football.

The Mules can practice foot ball where I use to practice foot ball.

The Fred A. Morrow Stadium.

My story came to me in a dream. "Then I woke up."

You will get a kick out of it.


Climate control

common sense

Yes. Hello. President Trump said at the UN Conference that we need a more favorable climate control Paris agreement leaning toward the United States. Why should the world and the second largest pollutant in the world and who pollute enough more as President Trump continues to cast aside regulations for companies that poison our environment and our air and water? That is what happened in Texas in the Hurricane Harvey. A pharmaceutical company blew up because the restrictions were lowered. If you don't believe me get on the Internet and please have some common sense. Thank you.

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