July 30, 2017

Big Zero What do you call a bunch of Republican senators and representatives? Big Zero....what a joke! Thank you. Let phone ding a ling several times Please Please Please! When you make a call let it ring. What do you think people are doing when you call them? Give them time to get to the phone before you hang up please. Ringing 3 or 4 times just doesn't cut it! Go with 8 rings before you give up. Thanks...

Big Zero

What do you call a bunch of Republican senators and representatives? Big Zero....what a joke! Thank you.

Let phone ding a ling several times

Please Please Please! When you make a call let it ring. What do you think people are doing when you call them? Give them time to get to the phone before you hang up please. Ringing 3 or 4 times just doesn't cut it! Go with 8 rings before you give up. Thanks.

Make deal? Really

I don't know what to start now or not. Um, I'm calling in response to an article by Mike Jensen in today's paper. And I was agreeing with him pretty well UNTIL......I got to the very last paragraph and it says it's time for the GOP to show leadership and tackle the changes they promised. It's time to quit trying to um, to convince Democrats on any issue because it's impossible to compromise with them. I disagree with him because you don't have to compromise on anything if you're a Democrat because you're party is not in power. We are a one party government now! So I don't know why he thinks we have to compromise with Democrats? Thank you.

Having water

issues? Call Claire

Poplar Bluff is havin' problems with their water; they need to call Claire McCaskill. She managed to find $140 million dollars for Flint, Mich. Surely she can find a few million for her own constituents. Thank you.

It was Myrtle's

Can someone tell me the name of the little restaurant or cafe located where Myrtle's Place is now? They had the best chili dogs I've ever eaten. Or I'm having one of those childhood memories that wasn't as great as I thought it was. Where can I get one now that's as appetizing? Thank you.

Try a cheaper plan

Dear Speak Out, I just read in the D.A.R. that the school board is planning to spend 70-90 thousand dollars on a fix for the new stadium because of hillside erosion. I just wonder if they've thought of covering that hillside with big rock to stop the erosion like the highway department or state do? I would certainly think it might be cheaper and not unattractive.

Looking for info

Dear Speak Out, I heard for weeks and weeks the hype about the eclipse on Aug. 21. They talk about the special lenses that you'll need for the eclipse. I've called two eyeglasses doctors' offices and no one seems to know what they are. Hope someone of eye care knowledge will call in Speakout and let us know. We would appreciate it...greatly appreciate it.
