July 30, 2017

Hatred and distrust If Christians are supposed to be Christ-like or are to be in the image of Christ. We made political parties, we made different racial boundaries, national boundaries. God created His image, but the hatred that we have for anyone who opposes our same line of thought or same political idealogy or one person whose skin color may be different from ours or somebody who may have more or less than what we have. ...

Hatred and distrust

If Christians are supposed to be Christ-like or are to be in the image of Christ. We made political parties, we made different racial boundaries, national boundaries. God created His image, but the hatred that we have for anyone who opposes our same line of thought or same political idealogy or one person whose skin color may be different from ours or somebody who may have more or less than what we have. I think if you look at what you see on social media platforms and on talk shows there is ABSOLUTELY nothing Christ-like in today's Christianity! There is a so much hatred and distrust ... and I'm saying that all the distrust of different people isn't, you know, correct I'm just saying in today's churches if they start allowing this to support political organization that raises money because there is nothing in the Bible that I have ever read that all Christians vote Democrats or all Christians vote Republican. It says "render under Caesar that which it is Caesar, render under God that which is God..." It doesn't say that your God is Caesar. Thank you.
