A big shout-out
to Animal
Welfare Alliance
Speak Out, I just read the marvelous letter from Mark Massingham thanking everybody for their help during the flood. He did leave out one very important organization and that's the Animal Welfare Alliance. Had it not been for them many people would have lost their pets. These people volunteered many hours and spent time at the coliseum taking care of the animals -- both cats and dogs -- who had been abandoned and or left behind or who had no other place to go. A big shout-out to Nancy Abernathy, Charlotte Craig and all the other wonderful workers from the Animal Alliance. Thank you.
Losing our doctors
In little rural communities like this one it's hard to acquire and retain doctors. I saw in our paper where we were losing another one. He says its about retirement and that may be. Certainly he's old enough. But you know the man likes his job maybe he and the others I've heard of who are leaving simply don't like the work environment that's been created by people from Cape Girardeau. I hope I'm wrong. But if I'm right we'll be losing even more doctors that are a part of this community and have been years and provide valuable care and service.
But you know what? It's just amazing to me. Everybody gives lip service to what this area needs, but nobody does crap about it.
We'll never see the millions that old Kaplan made. I figured he paid off enough people. It'll just be like fireworks. Dynamite blows holes; fireworks just makes a noise. And that's what it seems like we get from our public people -- administrators, etc.
Thank you, Speak Out. You provide a valuable service.