November 24, 2017

Federal or local, you'll pay taxes You know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but in my lifetime, every time the federal government has reduced taxes it has resulted in an even greater increase in taxes at the local level. It costs money to run a country and if the feds aren't collecting then the local folks will be. ...

Federal or local, you'll pay taxes

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You know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but in my lifetime, every time the federal government has reduced taxes it has resulted in an even greater increase in taxes at the local level. It costs money to run a country and if the feds aren't collecting then the local folks will be. I think your special tax district that runs from Shelby Road back down 67 to 53 is a prime example. I think the private tax area on the Sutton property on 142 and 53 are a prime example. The private tax entity down at the State Line Cafe area is also another excellent example. All the little points twos, and thirds and fourths and half-cents sales tax for different things -- all of that stuff if an increase in taxes most of it brought about because their federal turnback funds for local projects get diminished every time the federal government reduces taxes.

If you're smart, you'll be against the reduction of federal taxes because you're gonna end up with an increase in local taxes that's gonna more than off-set the federal cuts there's no variations.

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