October 26, 2018

Prop D Speakout, I'd just like to remind the voters in Missouri that our politicians are very good about lying without lying. And while any revenues raised by Proposition D are guaranteed to go to the highway funds. What about the money they're already collecting that's not a locked-in designation? I feel like that's going to allow the politicians to continue to buy donations from the material contractors and the road building contractors. ...

Prop D

Speakout, I'd just like to remind the voters in Missouri that our politicians are very good about lying without lying. And while any revenues raised by Proposition D are guaranteed to go to the highway funds. What about the money they're already collecting that's not a locked-in designation? I feel like that's going to allow the politicians to continue to buy donations from the material contractors and the road building contractors. Because if nothing's done to lock in existing revenues and the only way I would vote for Proposition D would be if it also locked in all other highway funds for road and bridge usage. I'm just tired of being lied to. Thank you.
