To the Editor,
I read the headlines "Gas Tax touted as best way to fund Priorities" in the Tuesday, Dec. 12, Daily American Republic and started to laugh, but, then begin to wonder what some of the people in our state are thinking of.
Yes, some of our roads and bridges are in a bad shape and a disaster could possibly happen if one of our most used bridges collapsed with several people traveling on it at that time. Also, people could die or be injured on some of our roads that are in bad shape due to blown tires, broken axles, etc.
I have been pushing for a few years for a fuel tax to get our roads and bridges repaired or replaced and that the new tax be designated for that purpose and that purpose only. It appears that now different groups around the state are designated as Transportation Advisory Committees and they are attempting to get pet projects being done by using a fuel tax. These people need to realize that the people of the State of Missouri are not stupid and would defeat that type of tax. Any tax submitted should be designated ROAD AND BRIDGE TAX, ONLY. Put the pet projects on the shelf until our roads and bridges are back in the condition that they should be in. The I-57 project could fall under this designation of road and bridge repair.
I believe that Jordan Collins, from Carter County, should get out on the Interstate Highways and see what kind of effect the new roads have on counties that are close but not directly on the new roads such as Carter, Ripley, Reynolds and Wayne counties. My wife, Eileen, and myself have traveled the roads covering close to two-thirds of our country and have seen very little effect on these type of situations.
Also, highway US-160 was made three lanes from US-67 in Butler County west to Doniphan a couple years ago, but, it would be great if a representative from MoDOT would travel the highway staying in the right lane traveling about 55 miles per hour both ways. A good share of the way it feels a lot like riding a roller coaster. Why doesn't MoDOT go and make the construction company correct the situation??
I have and still feel that we need a fuel tax designated ROAD AND BRIDGE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT, ONLY. This new tax should not be distributed like our present fuel tax is handled.
Gerald T. (Tom) Melton
Doniphan, Mo.