January 12, 2020

Every morning to start the school day off right, my kiddos write down 10 things they are thankful for. It doesn’t seem too hard until you find out you can’t repeat the same things day after day. Sure it’s fine to occasionally add a repeat, but it can’t be repetitive and meaningless...

Cassie Downs The Hill Church

Every morning to start the school day off right, my kiddos write down 10 things they are thankful for. It doesn’t seem too hard until you find out you can’t repeat the same things day after day. Sure it’s fine to occasionally add a repeat, but it can’t be repetitive and meaningless.

Isn’t that what happens? We get repetitive in our thanksgiving until it’s actually empty words. Been there, friend. That’s why I started this myself and then later passed it down to my kiddos. It’s a great practice to become truly grateful for things, especially the little things.

Here’s an example of some things the kids and I are thankful for: knowing people care about you, trials, the love of Jesus, toaster, baseball, deer hunting, Febreze, Sharpies, summer, Milk Duds and French fries.

I love to see how thankful they are for both the big things but also the things we totally take for granted; Febreeze. And I mean, who isn’t grateful for the toaster? And hello! French fries! Amen!

This may seem silly to some, but I’m so grateful that my kids are learning to be thankful for the little things. We take so much for granted in this world. We get stuck thinking if it isn’t “big,” it isn’t worth being grateful for, but I say hogwash! The word reminds us that EVERY good and perfect gift comes from the father (James 1:17). Let’s not neglect the little things. If we can’t be thankful for the little things, can we really be grateful for the “big” things? French fries may not be a big deal to you, but I bet they are to the one who hasn’t eaten in days. What do you say, let’s live with an attitude of gratitude!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”— James 1:17 CSB
