June 28, 2024

To the Editor, So, those at the head of the class need $68 million for the next school year’s budget. Really! What fraud, waste and abuse might be enclosed in that need? Let’s look at just one case. Too easy to spot such a bold in your face unneeded waste: cellphone bags. ...

To the Editor,

So, those at the head of the class need $68 million for the next school year’s budget. Really! What fraud, waste and abuse might be enclosed in that need? Let’s look at just one case. Too easy to spot such a bold in your face unneeded waste: cellphone bags. Seventy-eight thousand dollars to store a students cellphone during school so they “can’t” use it. Really? A student won’t be able to unlock it in bathroom? Students are more resourceful than that. If a parent can afford to purchase a cellphone for their student and allow them to tote them to school then they can afford to purchase that phone bag!

I am tired of my taxes being wasted on a school budget that has nothing to do with educating the city’s youth.

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I wonder when they will request a higher tax on our property to pay for more of their frivolous unnecessary pork? Ummm…..

Frank Trent

Poplar Bluff

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