October 10, 2017

I have been following the actions of these black athletes that feel they have a right to sit or kneel when our national anthem is being played. Their assumptions that this country owes them something has made me to write what I feel about their actions...

I have been following the actions of these black athletes that feel they have a right to sit or kneel when our national anthem is being played. Their assumptions that this country owes them something has made me to write what I feel about their actions.

Two yeas ago when I saw on television the black pro football player kneeling while our national anthem being played and raising of our flag, made me decide that I would not go to or watch another college or pro football game until something is corrected. These athletes are and have been given a silver spoon throughout their college and pro careers by doing something they have enjoyed all of their lives, and, being paid much more than they are worth.

When President Trump made the comment that these athletes should be fired and what actions should be done to the pro organizations that do nothing to correct these actions is the best that could be said. When Stephen Curry and LeBron James, on athlete that I have looked up to, opened and put their foot in their mouths as to President Trump's comments as to what should happen when these PREMODNIAS refuse to stand during the playing or our national anthem, both these two, along with the others, should be fired.

Yes, some people will say that they have the right to free speech, but, this is carrying it too far. I served in the military service during the KOREAN and VIETNAM WARS and lost several friends and acquaintance during these conflicts and some of them were black. What have these athletes done for our country other than complain that they are a race being picked upon??? The thing that caused me to retire is similar to what is happening today. When Vietnam was over and our injured soldiers returning, were being harassed, spit upon, cursed, and called baby killers by our own people, and this made me ask myself "What am I doing in here" and I put in my retirement papers.

I ask the same questions as to what is happening today. In almost all of our larger cities today, hundreds of blacks are murdered by blacks, but, it appears that the people feel it is a part of life and shrug it off. If one black man is killed by an officer of the law, where the person is doing wrong and yielding a weapon, lookout, here comes violent protests, looting, buring, stealing, etc. When a white, Hispanic, etc. is shot where is all the protests, looting, burning, and stealing??? My big question is -- CAN ANY BLACK PERSON SHOW ME WHERE THEY OR THEIR PARENTS HAD EVER BEEN HELD AS A SLAVE BY A WHITE PERSON.

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It is a sad day this sunday, Sept. 24, 2017, when the pro football owners say that they are backing the black protestors and do not like President Trump's comments. They say that the sporting events are what holds our country together, if so, why don't we just get rid of our military services and rely on these sports. How long do you think we will have a country??? The sports will be gone also.

It is up to the people in our country to decide if they are going to put up with these actions of the pro athletes by watching the sporting games, or the people going to stop watching or going to these games in order to show these athletes that this is our country where millions have given their lives to protect the way that we live.

God has given us this country and he makes the large decisions and leaves the smaller ones to us. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DECIDE?? Always remember GOD LOVES YOU and so do I.

Tom Melton

Gerald T. (TOM) Melton

Doniphan, Mo.

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