August 14, 2020

Sometimes, I go back and look at some of the articles that I have written over the past couple of years.

Rev. Kent Wilfong

Sometimes, I go back and look at some of the articles that I have written over the past couple of years.

I notice that for the most part they are all about things I think about. This makes sense because I can’t really know what you think about.

However, there is one question I don’t think I have asked in any of my articles.

That question is … How are you?

I know this column is pretty much a one-way conversation. I know it is difficult for you to share your concerns and joys. But, I also know that there is someone who will listen.

You see, that is what church is all about. It is full of people who are there to ask how you are. They are there to help and care and pull you through whatever you are going through.

As the body of Christ, we are all here to share the gospel and lift one another up in times of need. We are also here to celebrate the joys that God is doing in your life.

We are all children of God. While we may go to different buildings, sing different songs and may even wear different clothes, we still all worship the same God.

Thus, when you have a problem or a concern, it becomes my problem and or concern.

Now, I know that you may not be able to reach me specifically to seek prayer, but I am one of many soldiers in Christ.

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Near you is a pastor who would be willing to pray with you. Near you is a prayer warrior who would love to get on their knees for you. And, more importantly, there is a savior who is willing to listen, lift you up and set you free.

Prayer is the means of communication with God. Prayer brings us closer to God, and prayer leads us to focus on God.

You have many, many people who will pray for you if you but ask.

It also goes the other way. You can pray for others. You may know someone who is in need. Pray for them.

I make it a habit to pray every time I hear a siren. I may not know if it is an ambulance or police car or fire truck, but I lift them, and the people they will affect up to God.

Now look, I am no paragon of prayer warriorship. I am not perfect, but I know first hand the power of prayer.

I also know that you don’t have to be a minister to have a solid prayer life. Prayer is one of the many ways that we can share our love for each other.

So, how are you, and can I or someone pray for you?

Meanwhile, can I ask that you keep myself and every preacher, teacher and church leader in your prayers? Could you please lift up the church congregations in prayer, even the ones you may not attend.

Meanwhile I will pray that … I see you in church.

Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.

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