To the Editor
I am writing this letter in response to KFVS channel 12's V. P. & G. M. Scott Thomas's view as to paying college athletes. Apparently he wants to see them paid.
As to paying college athletes Mr. Thomas needs to get out of his office and see how much support college athletes are given. They are given free scholarships, free housing, meals, transportation, etc. Take the number of athletes in a college and multiply that number by $50,000 to $70,000 with some up to $100,000, in addition to the upkeep of the facilities including the cost of uniforms, etc. Also take into consideration the number of sport events that do not have the support as other events have, add all of this together and you will find that the colleges are not making the windfall as Mr. Thomas seems to think that they are into. Also, how often do these teams get into a final four or super bowl that that he seems to suggest.
Also, if Mr. Thomas would check records, he would find that colleges need the financial support of the tax payers of most states in order to keep operating.
NO!! DO NOT PAY COLLEGE ATHLETES, they are already receiving financial support and a college education, the same that the normal person has to work and sweat in order to receive an equivalent education.
Tom Melton
Doniphan, MO