January 9, 2021

Editor's note: This is one of two opinion articles written by local members of Butler County Republican and Democrat central committees. The reactions of Americans to the situation at the U.S. Capitol this past Wednesday has been as diverse as anyone can imagine...

Editor's note: This is one of two opinion articles written by local members of Butler County Republican and Democrat central committees.

The reactions of Americans to the situation at the U.S. Capitol this past Wednesday has been as diverse as anyone can imagine.

Many of those that cheered on Black Lives Matter and Antifa as they burned cities across our country reversed course in their hypocrisy and condemned the actions of those that scaled the walls of the Capitol and stormed offices of legislators, only because they assumed the people doing it were supporting President Trump, who they would sacrifice the future of our nation to get rid of and humiliate.

Others condemned any and all violence and believe the disagreements we as American citizens have can be resolved in a peaceable manner, no matter the circumstances.

And still there were others that used quotes from Thomas Jefferson like, “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” And Patrick Henry when he said “give me liberty or give me death.”

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But while all these opinions raged across our nation, the main stream media continued to spread their agenda with narratives that fly in the face of good journalism. Good journalism does not jump to conclusions. Good journalism does not prop up ideology for any reason. Good journalism does research to find the unadulterated truth no matter how difficult, inconvenient or time consuming that truth may be to find.

America is frustrated. The American people are frustrated because they feel their voices are being trampled underfoot. They have no confidence that elections are fair anymore. They have no confidence in the old adage that our government is of the people, by the people or for the people.

The common mistake of jumping to the conclusion of who did what is nothing new in our society. The irresponsibility of many to make unfounded universal statements about issues they know nothing about seems common place. Unless a person was in the U.S. Capitol and knew the identity and motives of those breaking windows and vandalizing offices, and had a firsthand knowledge of the situation, any conclusion of the identity or motives of the perpetrators is reckless, rash and careless.

My heart breaks for our country. Our nation needs help. Our nation needs healing. Our nation needs leadership. The only way these can be accomplished is through divine assistance. God has promised “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

May we as Americans find a deeper humility, a genuine repentance, and a spirit of prayer.

Eddy Justice is an active member of the Butler County Republican Central Committee and former chairperson.

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