This week’s biggest topic of conversation was the COVID-19 virus, also known as the Corona Virus.
The Missouri Senate is following the recommended guidelines and will be closed next week, in addition to the week of March 23 scheduled annual spring break. While the Senate may be physically closed, my staff and the staff of the Senate will be working remotely to ensure services are still provided to the constituents of the 25th Senatorial District.
Please educate yourself on the virus and take the important steps to prevent its onset and spread.
The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has opened a public hotline that will be operated by medical professionals around the clock seven days a week. The hotline number is 877-435-8411. Updated information can be found on the CDC’s website at
A couple of bills which I sponsored made more progress this week. On Tuesday, I presented Senate Bill 623, relating to guardian ad items, to the House Children and Families Committee. On Thursday, I presented Senate Bill 906 to the Senate Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee; this bill has some of the Department of Revenue’s proposals to ensure better customer service and increase efficiencies for the department.
This week in the Senate we also voted on, and passed, House Bill 1693, which establishes the Joint Oversight Task Force of Prescription Drug Monitoring to collect and maintain patient controlled substance prescription information submitted by dispensers throughout the state.
One of this week’s highlights was visiting with and sponsoring Harold Miles of Advance to the Gubernatorial Appointment Committee for the State Banking and Savings and Loan Board. I believe Harold’s many years of banking experience and ambition will make him a very valuable asset to the Board.
We also had the honor of welcoming Marlene Limbaugh, who is also from Advance. Marlene has travelled to the Capitol each year that I have been a Senator, and I am always inspired by her advocacy for the Missouri Council for the Blind and her passion for our community.
Please take care of yourselves and follow the recommended virus safeguards in the coming weeks.
It is a great pleasure to serve the wonderful citizens of southeast Missouri. Please contact my office if you have any ideas, opinions or concerns to share by calling 573-751-4843 or emailing