June 29, 2017

To the Editor, I had the opportunity to attend the Veterans Memorial Service held in front of the Black River Coliseum to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those, like myself, who have given their efforts in helping make our great country what it is today, a free country...

To the Editor,

I had the opportunity to attend the Veterans Memorial Service held in front of the Black River Coliseum to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those, like myself, who have given their efforts in helping make our great country what it is today, a free country.

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The gathering was small but it was pleasant to say the least. I was afraid we might have some people protesting it because of their own personal agenda trying to destroy what so many men and women have worked so hard in achieving which again, is the freedom we enjoy today. I speak of those who want to degrade veterans. Veterans who have given their hearts and souls only to be spit on, cursed at and some even assaulted when they returned from Vietnam. According to the Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualties Analysis System (DCAS), 58,220 American Military Fatal Casualties were reported. The alarming number of total casualties is over a staggering 1.4 Million deaths were reported during the Vietnam War. Some people say we should have not even been there and that it was not a war but rather a political propaganda scheme. I hate to tell you this but when you have two or more sides battling it out to the point there are lives lost I call this a war. You see young people today protesting over such petty nonsense it scares me to know these same young Americans will someday attempt to hold a candle to today's main streamers but will be lost in it all because they did not have a clue from the beginning. They are more concerned about crying over the police and how they do their jobs they are letting their entire lives slip right by them. This whole society is a sue happy society trying to make the fast, easy buck rather than getting out and busting their hind ends like their fathers and grandfathers did before them. I have always commented the United States needs to re-implement the draft system which some of you probably already say they have done that by making young persons now do when they turn 18 years of age. This is not the same as actually drafting people. It used to be, once you have obtained the age of 26 years old, you are no longer eligible to be drafted. What that age is today, I do not know, or if there even is such an age now. What I mean is if a young man or woman is not attending college, I think they need to do at least two years in the Armed Forces. I can guarantee you will see some different attitudes out of the young people once they complete their commitment. You would probably be amazed at how many would want to re-enlist after the two years have passed. I owe my rearing not only to my parents but to the seven and a half years I spent in the United States Navy. I would be afraid to know how I would have turned out if not for the Navy. It gave me a whole different perspective on life and how people should be treated. I grew up in the Navy, I matured in the Navy but most importantly I became a proud American in the Navy. I realized what words like Integrity, Honor, Faith and Tradition meant. Just like God teaches Faith, Hope and Love. I lost friends even when there were no conflicts happening around the world like there is today with ISIS and Al-Qaida. Our squadrons were families who cared about one another and busted our humps to make sure we were the best, to stand out in a crowd, that is what Pride is. Knowing I did something to make our country the great country it is today. But now I have to sit around and watch the sniffling, whining brats complain because they feel their rights have been violated by the police. You little whiners, you have this right because of the military, many of which are now law enforcement officers, fought for that right and now you want to use it against them? Grow up and learn to be proud of yourselves for something done correctly instead of moaning because you broke the law and it is someone else's fault you grew up in the manner you did. In closing, I want to say thank you to people like Wayne Summers whose son Eric, gave his life doing what most men are afraid to do. That my friends is what we call the Ultimate Sacrifice and one which never can be replaced so next time you get stopped by a law enforcement officer, show them the respect they have earned as you may not realize this officer may have given his time unselfishly to ensure you can degrade them the way you want to. Again, a FREEDOM we all can enjoy, not just you.God Bless you all....

Roger BurtonPoplar Bluff, Mo.

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