November 21, 2020

To the Editor, The 2020 post-election chaos, recounts and litigation could be changed with Electoral College reform. The current E.C. “winner-take-all” system gives more value to the votes in “battleground” states. Our Constitution gives each state the authority to decide how to award its electoral votes. The National Popular Vote bill will insure every vote in every state has equal value. The votes in “battleground” states would not decide the election. The people would decide...

To the Editor,

The 2020 post-election chaos, recounts and litigation could be changed with Electoral College reform. The current E.C. “winner-take-all” system gives more value to the votes in “battleground” states. Our Constitution gives each state the authority to decide how to award its electoral votes. The National Popular Vote bill will insure every vote in every state has equal value. The votes in “battleground” states would not decide the election. The people would decide.

In Missouri, as far back as 2011, both Republicans and Democrats have tried to introduce this bill. To date, 15 states and D.C. have adopted the NPV Interstate Compact. It’s time to make every vote in every state EQUAL.

Nancy Pawol

Eureka, Missouri
